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2025 Collegiate Scholarship


At Emblem Credit Union, we stand for you. We empower our members to learn, grow, and achieve financial wellbeing so that they can shine as bright as possible. With our good faith in Alabama’s contribution to the future, Emblem Credit Union is accepting applications for our Collegiate Scholarship. Five (5) $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to deserving college undergraduates! Winners will be notified by April 30, 2025!

Emblem Credit Union will send notice to the winner(s) and a check will be sent to the financial aid office of the college, university, or seminary to be attended by the recipients. No funds will be released directly to students. Essays will be judged by a scholarship committee to be determined by the Credit Union. In the event of a tie, GPAs may be used to determine the winners. Scholarship Committee decisions are final. Graduate students, employees, Board and committee members of Emblem and their family members are not eligible. Must meet membership requirements. Insured by NCUA. *Good standing is defined as having a positive account balance and loans paid up-to-date, no charged off accounts. **Full-time enrollment is defined as at least 12 credit hours per semester.

Official Rules

Selection Process

The following requirements must be met:

  • Emblem member in good standing*

  • College undergraduate with Grade Point Average of at least 2.0 or higher

  • Account must be opened for at least six (6) months prior to application

  • Provide college transcript for the most recently completed semester

  • Full-time enrollment**

  • Provide Emblem with one (1) letter of reference from a non-relative

  • Submit a one-page essay based on the following prompt: "An emblem is a symbol or object that represents something important to you. In a one-page essay, describe your personal emblem and what it means in your life."

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2025 Collegiate Scholarship

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