Arizona Food Marketing Alliance Education Foundation Scholarships 2025
Professional Scholarships
Must be a current employee of an AFMA member company with at least one year of service.
Must reside in the state of Arizona.
Applicants plan to obtain a college degree, carry a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester and plan to pursue a career in the retail or food & beverage industry.
Employee Scholarships
Must be a current employee of an AFMA member company with at least one year of service.
Must reside in the state of Arizona.
Applicants plan to obtain a college degree and carry a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester.
Dependent Scholarships
Scholarships are available to dependents whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are currently employed by an AFMA member company and have at least one year of service.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) employed by an AFMA company must reside in Arizona.
Dependents are defined as: a subject of legal guardianship during their minority; a natural or legally adopted child; and under the age of 26 at the start of the school year.
Applicants plan to obtain a college degree and carry a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester.
The AFMA Education Foundation awards recipients with scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000.
Our $5,000 scholarships are generously funded by our members and include the following:
Legacy Scholarships
Wayne & Sharon Manning
Crescent Crown Distributing
Jim Hensley
Swire Coca-Cola
Louise & Jim Bob Moffett
The Moffett Family
2025 Presenting Scholarships
Arizona Lottery
Breakthru Beverage Co.
Federated Insurance
Mission Foods
Monster Energy
RL Retail Leadership Scholarship
Shamrock Farms
The Arizona Food Marketing Alliance Education Foundation was established solely and exclusively to support and encourage education, training and instruction for AFMA member company employees and their dependents.
Our Scholarships provide assistance for the education of individuals who are actively employed by an AFMA member company.
Funds appropriated through the Scholarship program can be used to attend an accredited community college, college or university located in the state of Arizona. Incoming freshmen are also eligible to apply.
Scholarships are awarded based on fundraising levels from the prior year and may be used to cover the expense of tuition, fees and textbooks.
Scholarships are renewable each school year and recipients must reapply each year.
Applicants will need to submit at least one letter of recommendation and a color photo.
Your letter of recommendation must be dated within the last two years. Nothing dated prior to 2022 will be accepted.
The photo will be used for promotional purposes including our special edition of the Arizona Food and Beverage Industry Journal, social media sites and our website.
Applications are scored by a panel of impartial judges. Scholarships will be awarded based on these scores and the decisions of the Scholarship Review Committee.
Questions? Please reach out to [email protected]
Translation Instructions:
Translations work best on a Google Chrome Web Browser.
Right click on an empty/blank space on the page.
Select “translate to” option.
In the google translate pop window select the three dots.
Select the first option “choose another language”.
Select your preferred language for translation.
Repeat this process on each page of the application.
Instrucciones de traducción:
Las traducciones funcionan mejor en un navegador web Google Chrome.
Haga clic derecho en un espacio vacío / en blanco en la página.
Seleccione la opción "traducir a".
En la ventana emergente del traductor de Google, seleccione los tres puntos.
Seleccione la primera opción "elegir otro idioma".
Seleccione su idioma preferido para la traducción.
Repita este proceso en cada página de la solicitud.

The Arizona Food Marketing Alliance (AFMA) is the state trade non-profit association for the Food Industry in Arizona. AFMA represents all food retailers (Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, and Independents) and their suppliers in all areas that are impacted by state and federal legislatures (taxes, fees, labeling, food safety etc.).