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AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 Application 2025


Each year, the AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 Educational Fund awards numerous, unrestricted scholarships as well as scholarships designated by their sponsors for specific areas of study. The scholarship awards range from $1000-$3000 and applicants are considered for any scholarship for which they meet eligibility requirements.

Selection Process

All applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0

Residency requirements are as follows:

  • Students residing in the greater metro Atlanta area are considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.
  • Students residing anywhere in the state of Georgia are eligible to apply for the graduate Nursing Scholarship.
  • There are three scholarships available to students residing anywhere within the geographical area of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta who will be attending Holy Cross School of Theology.
  • Applications for the Johnny N. Economy Scholarship are open to all applicants with no residency restrictions. Regardless of residency, the application for this scholarship requires the submission of an additional essay on Hellenism.

Note that unless you are from the greater metro Atlanta area, your residency status is considered “out of area” regardless of your current address, and with the exceptions of noted above (graduate nursing & Holy Cross student applications) you are only eligible to apply for the Johnny N. Economy Scholarship.


Applicants are required to upload an original Personal Essay not to exceed 500 words which must provide information on the student’s interests and career goals, as well as related school and career experiences from the current academic year. The essay will test the applicant’s ability to organize and relate facts and ideas as well as the applicant’s overall writing skills. Essays not written to this topic prompt or submitted previously will not be considered.

If you wish to be considered for the Johnny N. Economy Scholarship, you must upload an additional, original essay on Hellenism not to exceed 750 words. In composing this essay, consider this excerpt from one of Mr. Economy’s keynote addresses: “At the soul of Hellenism, we find the opportunity to share in the gift of this ancestral culture, to transform ourselves from mere Greeks to Hellenes, from non-Greeks to Philhellenes, and in effect, meet our obligations to society and our fellow man by embracing its basic tenets: Philanthropy (philanthropia), brotherhood (philadelphia), respect (philotimo), fellowship (philoxenia), and knowledge (gnosis) are but a few of these Hellenistic principles.”


All students must upload official copies of transcripts, screenshots are not acceptable. These may be from an outsourced transcripts company or, if obtained directly from the school’s registrar’s office, must show seal or signature verifying an official copy. If student is provided a hard copy of transcripts, they should be scanned and uploaded—again, photos of transcripts are not accepted. First year college students must upload both high school and college transcripts. Graduate students must upload both undergraduate and graduate school transcripts.

Honors and Activities

Applicants are asked to list and document their academic honors and other awards in addition to their involvement with school and/or community clubs and organizations, participation in sports, and any part-time work. This is a very important component of the application that should not be ignored. Include dates of awards and years of participation in activities. You must upload supporting documentation (using the available fields) in order for them to be considered.

Note: For any offices and chairmanships held, HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS are required to upload supporting documentation. This may be in the form of scanned certificates or programs that list the applicant’s participation (induction ceremonies, playbills, athletic programs, etc.). In the absence of these, a letter from the applicant’s Academic Advisor or College Counselor which verifies the list of the student’s honors and activities should be uploaded.

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AHEPA Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 Application 2025

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The mission of the Mother Lodge Chapter No. 1 Educational Fund, Inc. is to provide both scholastic achievement and financial need scholarships to students pursuing post high school education. In addition, the Fund strives to strengthen community and country by promoting education through the development and implementation of various comprehensive programs.