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2025 Construction Advancement Institute Labor Management Scholarship Program


The Construction Advancement Institute (CAl) was founded for the purpose of promoting activities that encourage, foster and stimulate the common interests of building contractors and subcontractors.

The CAI’s mission is to promote and improve the business and general welfare of the building construction and related industries. The CAI offers programs and activities such as safety and accident prevention; promotion of apprenticeship training; educational programs and services; public relations; legislative activities; research into new systems and methods of building construction and materials; market development and relations with architects and engineers in order to fulfill its unique mission. That mission is to serve as a bridge between the myriad of new technologies impacting the construction marketplace today that may well become the standards of tomorrow.

The CAI is a management initiative that aims to ensure the prosperity and growth of Westchester County and the surrounding areas. It is affiliated with the Building Contractors Association of Westchester and the Mid-Hudson Region.


Up to ten (10) scholarship awards of $5,000 each will be awarded to students studying Engineering, Architecture, Construction Technology, Construction Management or related industry courses of study (as determined by the selection committee) who are related to member, members' employees or other contributors to the Industry Advancement Program (CAI) of the Building Contractors Association of Westchester & The Mid-Hudson Region (BCA); and participating unions including Carpenters Local No. 279, International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 137, Laborers Local No. 235 and Bricklayers Local No. 1 (formerly Local No. 5).


Students must be related* to: an employee of a member of the Building Contractors Association of Westchester and Mid-Hudson Region; or a contributor to the Construction Advancement Institute (CAI); or a member of the following unions contributing to this scholarship program: Carpenters Local 279, International Union of Operating Engineers Local 137, Laborers Local 235 or Bricklayers Local 1 (formerly Local 5).

*(For purposes of this program related shall mean biological or legally adopted children or grandchildren, spouse; or as otherwise determined by the Scholarship Committee.)

Must be a U.S. citizen or documented permanent resident.

  1. Will attend two or four year accredited college in September 2025 - (Undergraduate or graduate)

  2. Must be enrolled as a Full-Time student in September 2025, carrying 12 credits or more.

  3. GPA of 2.5 or greater.

  4. Application must be complete and must include:

  • Completed application.

  • Official transcripts.

  • Three (3) Evaluation Sheets, minimum.

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2025 Construction Advancement Institute Labor Management Scholarship Program

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