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CIF Spirit of Sport Award - Spring Season 2025


This award seeks to recognize one male and one female student-athlete, during each season of sport (Fall/Winter/Spring), who display good sportsmanship and school leadership, regardless of athletic ability. The CIF wants to acknowledge student-athletes who are positive role models within our schools and the community at-large. Integrity, fairness, character, and respect are inherent principles of good sportsmanship. With them, the spirit of competition thrives, fueled by honest rivalry, courteous relations, and graceful acceptance of the results.

Each CIF member school is allowed one male and one female senior athlete for each season of sport.

Spring Sports



Beach Volleyball

Boys Golf





Swimming & Diving

Boys Tennis

Track & Field

Boys Volleyball

Other (sport played during non-traditional CIF State season)


Application Procedures & Process Overview:

Each CIF member school may nominate one male and one female senior athlete for each season of sport.

All applications must be fully complete before submission. You are able to exit an incomplete application, and finish at a later date by signing into your Kaleidoscope account.

Application must include:

  • Parent Information

  • School Information

  • Principal Information and Signature Page

  • Completion of the Student Essay (Max. 350 words)

  • Complete List of Activities and Participation in the Following Categories:

  1. Athletics

  2. Non-Athletic Activities & Extracurriculars

  3. Leadership Positions

  4. Community Service

If you have any technical questions regarding the application or your Kaleidoscope account please contact [email protected].


Residence: California

Grade Level: H.S. Senior

Selection Process

Scholarship Awards – Scholarship recipients will be selected based on demonstrated principles of good sportsmanship, school and community service, and leadership. Review of applications will be conducted by committees selected by the CIF. Award recipients will be notified by a telephone call and/or e-mail.


  • Two State winners (1 male and 1 female) in each traditional season of sport (Fall, Winter, Spring), for six total winners, will each receive a patch, award, and scholarship. State recipients are required to attend the Federated Council event  at the Oakland Marriott City Center on Friday, April 4, 2025.

  • Additionally, one male and one female student-athlete representing each of the 10 CIF Sections, from each season of sport (Fall/Winter/Spring), (60 total) will be selected and awarded a scholarship.

Each CIF member school is allowed one male and one female senior athlete for each season of sport.

For questions regarding the CIF Spirit of Sport Award, please email [email protected].

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CIF Spirit of Sport Award - Spring Season 2025

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Athletic competition is an integral part of the high school experience. CIF is uniquely positioned to foster student growth in values and ethics. CIF’s ideal of “Pursuing Victory with Honor,” provides the opportunity to dramatically influence the actions of the athletic community. CIF strives to strengthen the integrity of students and adults across the state by promoting the concepts of sportsmanship, honesty and quality academics. These priorities advance the highest principles of character – trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and good citizenship.