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EMS ISD Scholarship Application 2025


This scholarship application automatically considers you for many local scholarships, including the EMS ISD Education Foundation, PTO*, PTA* and teaching scholarships, local business scholarships and more!


You only need to complete this single application to be eligible for dozens of local scholarships, which generally range from $500 to $2,000 each. The criteria for selecting winners vary from scholarship to scholarship. For example, some scholarships are awarded based upon grades and test scores, while others are considered for extra-curricular activities and citizenship, and others are considered based on your elementary school and/or activities. So please answer each question with as much detail as possible. These scholarships may also be awarded to students interested in a particular field of study (i.e. education, athletics, etc.), so it is important that you complete the entire application, along with submitting two teacher recommendations forms.

For an extensive list of scholarships available, please visit

Please remember to proofread your answers. Correct spelling and grammatical rules are important.


Incomplete applications will not be considered. After the application has been submitted, click here to view instructions for how to check the status of your recommendation(s). If a scholarship is awarded for a specific field of study, and you significantly change that field, you may have to forfeit the scholarship.

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EMS ISD Scholarship Application 2025

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EMS Education Foundation

Our Donors and Sponsors, these extraordinary people and companies, they change everything! Their generosity tells our students and teachers that someone believes in them, someone that they don’t even know. There is nothing more powerful.

Learn more about these scholarship donors here: