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First Financial FCU Scholarship Program 2025


***The application period is now closed***

First Financial is proud to offer an annual Scholarship Program for our members. Typically, a $3,000 scholarship is made available to each high school within our field of membership. Additional scholarships are available to existing student members who attend schools outside of our field of membership.

Scholarship details and application procedures are announced in early December. The submission period typically runs until February 1, but can vary year to year. Applicants are requested to submit transcripts, academic and character references, school and community activities, and a 300 word essay.

Students must have an account with First Financial in order to apply for the scholarship. Length of membership does not factor into the scholarship decision, but why wait? Begin enjoying the benefits of membership today!

First Financial employees, volunteers and their family members are ineligible to apply.

Selection Process

  • Must be a First Financial Federal Credit Union of Maryland member

  • Student has a personal Savings Account with First Financial Federal Credit Union, opened no later than February 1st, 2025. (Custodial Accounts do not qualify)

  • Must be a graduating high school senior

  • Plan to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2025

  • Have a GPA of 2.5 (unweighted) or higher

  • Attend a high school in a community that FFFCU serves

  • School counselor's email address to request copy of transcript

  • List of school and community activities 

  • Two email addresses for letters of recommendation

  • Academic Recommendation

  • Character/Personal Recommendation

Essay 300 words or less - Describe a time when you did not succeed at something.  How did you react and what was the outcome? How would you respond to the same challenge today?

*First Financial employees, volunteers and their family members are ineligible to apply.

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First Financial FCU Scholarship Program 2025

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Our story begins when a group of teachers recognized the need for better financial options for educators. What started as a common goal to help each other financially, has grown to a focus on making the lives of our members and our community better.