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Seminary Scholarship Application 2025


Generous donors have made contributions that enable the Holston Foundation to share the gift of education given through scholarships to higher education and seminary students.

The Holston Foundation stewards nearly 200 special-purpose endowments and scholarships that were created by generous donors and families who wanted to support specific ministries and students. Their legacies and gifts make the Holston Foundation’s grants and scholarships possible.

For these scholarships, the Holston Foundation is considering factors such as applicant’s geographic region, church affiliation, call to ministry, choice of school, commitment to the Conference, and need.

Grant and scholarship applications are awarded annually. For seminary, new applications are available January 01, 2025 and due on May 02, 2025. The Holston Foundation Awards Committee will make the final selection and notify recipients. Scholarships will be mailed directly to the Financial Aid Department of the college by early September.

If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the Application FAQ sheet on the Holston Foundation’s website or email Sarah Avento at [email protected].

For this application, you will need:

  • 10-30 minutes (you may save and return if needed)

  • District Superintendent information

  • A statement regarding your call to ministry

Total Amount Awarded in 2024: $101,300


Must be a United Methodist Seminary student or Methodist-affiliated seminary student.

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Seminary Scholarship Application 2025

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The Holston Foundation serves as a partner in stewardship to individuals, churches and ministries within the Wesleyan faith. Since 1981, the Holston Foundation has served as a steward of financial resources through planned giving, investments, grants and scholarships.