ICLEO Application 2025
Thank you for applying to the Indiana Conference for Legal Education Opportunity (ICLEO). Our goal is to help outstanding students stay in Indiana, matriculate through law school, and eventually practice law in the State of Indiana. The first part of our program involves the Summer Institute and after successfully completing the Summer Program, students are eligible for a scholarship of $4800.00 each semester of law school. For more information about our program, please check out our website. Indiana Judicial Branch: Office of Judicial Administration: Indiana CLEO
We look forward to reviewing your application. Selected students will be invited to interview virtually, and if chosen for our program, must complete a criminal background check. If you have specific questions, I invite you to email me at [email protected].
Selection Process
Our program is open to any student who plans to attend an Indiana law school and practice law in Indiana. We are looking for:
Indiana Residents,
Indiana College Graduates,
Indiana High School Graduates (within 5 years) attending college out of state, or
Students who demonstrate a passion for practicing law in the State of Indiana following graduation.
"Plus-factor" qualifications
Applicants with at least a 2.8 GPA and 142 LSAT Score,
Demonstrated leadership experience;
Applicants with professional work experience and/or military service;
The Indiana Conference for Legal Education Opportunity (ICLEO) was established at the urging of former Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard by the Indiana General Assembly. In 1997, Governor Frank O’Bannon signed the law giving funding to ICLEO (see I.C. 33-24-13). ICLEO’s purpose then and now is to assist Indiana’s underrepresented college graduates in pursuing a law degree and a career in the Indiana legal community. The ICLEO Summer Institute is held annually to introduce new ICLEO students to the program.