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IDEA Grant Application - Competitive Single Applicant ($500) Spring 2025


This grant is for projects from $100.00-$500.00 (one teacher can apply)


  • You may submit a project proposal in more than one IDEA Grant category, as long as they are not the same project.

  • If you receive a grant in any category, any additional proposal you have submitted will be removed. The highest dollar amount project approved will be awarded.

  • This grant is open to all Professional Licensed Educators (as designated by the Illinois State Board of Education) in Unit 4 or District 116.

  • All qualifying Competitive Grant applications will be reviewed and chosen by a selection committee.

  • Please note, this is a reimbursement grant. This means you will make the purchases and submit receipts to CUSF for reimbursement.

Selection Process

1. Only grant proposals that have the potential to enrich learning opportunities for school age children within the Unit 4 and District 116 public school districts will be considered.

2. Funds will not be appropriated to salary for existing staff, teacher air-travel or hotel accommodations. Funds will not be appropriated for the purchase of standard textbooks.

3. Residencies may only be partially funded.

4. The grant application must be for funding and implementation in the 2024-2025 school year. 

5. For expenses that are verified, we will reimburse you within 3-5 business days, by sending a check to the address you provided in this application.

6. Arrangements can be made through CUSF if you don’t have personal funds to implement the grant in a timely manner, contact our office.

7. Proposals that include technology will require approval by the district technology director. You must forward an email from your districts technology director in a separate email. Send the email to [email protected] 

8. Any non-consumables purchased with this grant money will become the property of the current school district.

9. All purchases should be made by May 1, 2025. Some exceptions may apply, for example, a late spring field trip.

9. Submit by Fri. Jan. 31, 2025 - 11:59pm

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IDEA Grant Application - Competitive Single Applicant ($500) Spring 2025

Award Amount: $100.00 - $500.00

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To invest in an equitable and empowered future for Champaign Urbana by strengthening the community’s commitment to our public schools, teachers, and students.