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Idaho Power Technical Scholarship 2025


The scholarship program provides two (2) $2,500.00 scholarships to support learning a skilled trade (e.g., linework, electric power, mechanical, welding, applied technology, etc.).

Awards are granted on a one-time basis for the school year directly following the scholarship award, are not renewable, and may not be deferred or held for later use.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • High school GPA > 2.75, or GED

  • Be enrolled or planning to enroll at an accredited technical or trade school program in Idaho, which results in a certificate or license

  • Reside in Idaho Power's service area.

Applications open: January 1, 2025. 

Deadline for submitting your application: March 1, 2025, at 11:59pm MST.


Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by email no later than April 30th.

Questions? Email [email protected]

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Idaho Power Technical Scholarship 2025

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About Idaho Power

Idaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, Idaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in Idaho and Oregon. The company’s goal to provide 100% clean energy by 2045 builds on its long history as a clean-energy leader that provides reliable service at affordable prices. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, Idaho Power’s residential, business and agricultural customers pay among the nation’s lowest prices for electricity. Its 2,100 employees proudly serve more than 640,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always and respect for all. Their local roots run deep and they’re proud to contribute time, talent and financial support to enrich the lives of their neighbors. That’s why Idaho Power is proud to offer academic scholarships.