Lighthouse Guild Scholarship 2025
We believe that nothing should stop people who are blind or visually impaired from pursuing higher education—especially the cost. To help, we offer merit-based scholarships for students with vision loss who are newly transitioning to college or are pursuing their graduate education. The award is unrestricted, so it can be used as needed: for tuition, room and board, books, supplies, or travel.
If you have a record of strong academic accomplishment and merit, apply for a Lighthouse Guild scholarship and take another step toward the advanced education you deserve. The deadline to apply is March 31st.
We offer scholarships for:
College education: for current high school students who will be incoming college freshmen
Graduate education (Master’s degree, PhD, MD, JD, or other post-baccalaureate degree): for college students already attending, or planning to attend, graduate school.
As of 2023, among each year’s undergraduate and graduate student scholarship recipients, one student will be awarded the Dr. Neil S. Patel Memorial Scholarship for embodying Dr. Patel’s legacy of hard work, honor, and dedication to supporting under-served populations.
Beginning in 2025, the Daniel M. Callahan Memorial Scholarship will be awarded each year to one student who exemplifies visionary leader Dan Callahan’s dedication to supporting and advocating for the community of individuals with vision loss.
Application requirements
Your chosen college must be accredited by a body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. All college admissions policies must be non-denominational and open to applicants of all religions, faiths, and beliefs. For the application, you must:
Provide proof of legal blindness. Verification should be in the form of a statement from a state rehabilitation agency, an ophthalmologist, or an optometrist.
Provide proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency. Verification should be in the form of a passport, birth certificate, naturalization papers, or proof of legal residency.
Provide documentation of academic achievement via copies of school transcripts.
Include three letters of recommendation. Two letters should attest to your academic skills. Each letter must include the name, address, and telephone number of the person writing the reference.
We want to learn about you as a person beyond your academic achievements. Please write a personal statement of 500 words or less detailing your inspirations – including your passions, goals, and dreams – in education, your career, and beyond!
To be considered for the Dr. Neil S. Patel Memorial Scholarship, you must submit an additional one-page (250 words, double-spaced) essay highlighting your ongoing commitment to serving under-resourced communities.
To be considered for the Daniel M. Callahan Memorial Scholarship, you must submit an additional one-page (250 words, double-spaced) essay highlighting your history of advocacy, demonstrating your advocacy skills and abilities.
Apply by March 31st.