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2025 MBAA/MBAF Scholarship


One ATP/CTP Certification course and eLearning Subscription provided by Flight Safety International*

    *FOR PILOTS ONLY:  The pilot must possess a valid Commercial Pilot Certification, Instrument Rating and Multi-Engine Rating.


Four $10,000 Cash Awards*

*FOR PILOTS, MAINTENANCE OR MANAGEMENT STUDENTS - each with a one-year subscription to eLearning through Flight Safety International.​

Michigan Business Aviation Association supports Statewide educational initiatives in partnership with the Michigan Business Aviation Foundation. We are committed to offering scholarships and programs to strengthen and inspire future business aviation talent.

Selection Process

Offered to students enrolled in Aviation Management, Flight or Maintenance courses at colleges, universities or technical schools in Michigan. Sponsored by MBAA/MBAF.

Applicants enrolled in a college, university or technical school program must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale)

Supporting documentation must be included with the application:

  • A current resume

  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship to include a U.S. Passport or Birth Certificate

  • An unofficial school transcript including GPA

  • A one-page essay describing the applicant’s aviation background, current status and future aviation goals.

  • Photocopies of all FAA ratings/certificates held (Does not apply to cash award applicants)

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2025 MBAA/MBAF Scholarship

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