The Peter J. Kavalauskas Memorial Scholarship 2025
The Lighthouse Credit Union Foundation's Peter J. Kavalauskas Memorial Scholarship is for anyone planning to attend or attending a 2 or 4 year accredited program through a technical institute or vocational/trade school.
The applicant must be planning to attend or currently attending a 2 or 4 year accredited program through a community college, technical institute or vocational/trade school in the 2025 academic year.
Selection Process
• Your most recent transcript (submitted by March 14, 2025).
• Letters of recommendation from two (2) of the following: high school faculty, coach, employer (supervisor), or community organization member.
• A 300 - 500 word essay.
• A technical school, vocational, or trade school acceptance letter.
• An available list of honors, awards, academic activities and volunteer work, employment, and leadership positions – these will be needed to complete the application.
• The student applying must be a member in good standing of Lighthouse Credit Union for one year or longer (on or before January 21, 2024).

Everything you’ve done up to now has been for your next move, whether it is at college or a technical school. Get there and figure out where you’re headed next with a scholarship that’s designed to support your dreams. We are committed to strengthening our local communities by supporting passionate, caring people who work selflessly to help others. We are proud to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, united by one common goal: to nourish and enrich our community.