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RIMEF 2025-2026 PRIME Grant


The Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation (RIMEF) was established in 1986 to assist with the financial needs of District 41. Since that time our mission has expanded to “Enhance Academic Opportunities for Student Success.”


Who May Apply:

RIMSD Educators including but not limited to – teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, counselors, nurses.


PRIME Grant Criteria:

Eligibility for a grant from the RIMEF requires that you must be an educator (Pre-K to 12) in the Rock Island-Milan School District #41. If awarded a grant, recipients must use the grant to implement the educational program described in the application. The program must:

  • Expand, enhance, and improve the classroom’s or virtual classroom’s academic environment

  • Access a broad range of students and involve them directly

  • Be implemented by early March of the school year of award application

  • Develop alternative and effective methods of instruction

  • Comply with district parameters and include endorsements from Principal, Dept. of Teaching & Learning, Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, and Dir. Of Technology*   (*if needed)

  • Directly align to the District standards/programs or School Improvement Plan (SIP)

  • Technology requests need to align with the District’s requirements and receive their approval


The following types of items WILL NOT be funded:

  • In-service and training programs for personnel

  • Landscape projects or clubs

  • Field trips that do not align with the District’s SIP


Grant applications will be reviewed on a competitive basis as follows:

  • Project goal

  • Description of project and relationship to current curriculum standards or SIP

  • Plans for evaluation of the project

  • Budget request


Grant Rules:

  • Educators may submit only one grant application per calendar year – only one application per project

  • Grant funds must be spent as per the grant request - any changes must be pre-approved by the RIMEF

  • Grant funds must be spent within the awarded academic year - if not, funds are returned to the RIMEF

  • If an educator moves to another school & grant funds were not yet used, funds must be returned to the RIMEF

  • Requests to move any materials that were received under a grant must be approved by the RIMEF and the Curriculum Office

  • Approved grant notices will be sent to the applicant and principal of the applicant’s school

  • The checks will be deposited in a district account, and the applicant will receive a budget code for ordering

  • The applicants agree to report on the project funded before the next granting cycle begins.

  • Award of additional grants in the future is contingent on adequate reporting of previous grants

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RIMEF 2025-2026 PRIME Grant

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A record $256,240 in PRIME (Promoting Rock Island Milan Education) Grants were awarded for the 2024-2025 academic year. 122 grants were issued - Teacher, Departmental/School and Multi-School grants were awarded to 138 educators funding a variety of programs and materials throughout the district.

Over $1.5 million in PRIME Grants (originally called Teacher Grants) has been given to the teachers and schools of the RIMSD. In addition to the funds for their programs, each teacher received an award letter and award plaque to hang in their classroom courtesy of Edwards Creative. The grants are made possible by our donors and assistance from the Doris and Victor Day Foundation, Junior Board of Rock Island, the Rock Island Art Guild (awarding RIAG PRIME Awards), the Rauch Family I Foundation, the Alfaretta Young Trust Awards, John Hass, and the Barbara Fackel PRIME Grant Fund.

THANK YOU for applying to our PRIME Grant program to benefit your students!