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2024 SPARK Grants - December


The SPARK Grants program seeks to support the broader school improvement agenda. Successful applications will incorporate elements of school improvement, which directly impact student achievement. All applications must be consistent with the school’s Five-Year Plan, the Division’s Five-Year Strategic Plan, and the Virginia Standards of Learning.


SPARK is interested in funding innovative projects and ideas; projects that challenge students to think at higher levels, are cross-curricular, are student centered, and achieve outcomes effectively and imaginatively. 


Although there is no set dollar amount; SPARK awards grants up to $5,000.00 A listing of past grants awarded is available on the SPARK website at

Selection Process

Any employee of Prince William County Public Schools is eligible to apply for funding from SPARK. Collaboration is encouraged; applicants may apply individually or as team members. Proposed projects may benefit individual classrooms, an entire school, a cluster of schools, or the School Division.



Please note that grant recipients may be asked to showcase the outcome of their grant award at public events such as the Annual SPARK Board meeting. 

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2024 SPARK Grants - December

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SPARK’s mission is to engage community and business partners to fund and promote initiatives and new opportunities that enhance educational excellence.

We do this by:

  • Bolstering student achievement through the innovative grants program and other special projects.
  • Encouraging family and community engagement through partnerships that provide support to current community needs.
  • Utilizing our social media channels in collaboration with school division initiatives.
  • Creating meaningful dialogue between the schools and the community.
  • Uniting community resources to invest in public schools.