Scholarship for Students Who Are Hard of Hearing or Deaf 2025
Scholarship is open to students who are hard of hearing or deaf pursuing an undergraduate degree.
This is a $1,000 scholarship to cover tuition, books and supplies. Recipient may use the funds for any semester, including summer, during the 2025-2026 academic school year. Support from Sertoma, Oticon, Inc, and other grantors provides the funding for the scholarship
Selection Process
Must be a U.S. citizen.
Must have a minimum 40dB bilateral hearing loss, as evidenced on audiogram by an SRT or PTA of 40dB or greater in both ears.
Must be pursuing a bachelor’s degree on a full-time basis at a college or university in the U.S. – graduate degrees, associates degrees, community colleges, and vocational programs do not qualify.
Must have a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 un-weighted scale.
High School Senior - cumulative GPA is for grades 9-11 and first semester for grade 12.
College Freshman - cumulative GPA is all of high school and first semester of college.
College Sophomore or Higher - cumulative GPA is for all college-level semesters completed.
Required Materials
Two letters of recommendation. The applicant is responsible for acquiring and uploading these documents within the application. Our program does not guarantee the privacy of the recommendation between the recommender and the student. Just so you know, recommendations are not required to be obtained from school officials or educators. The recommendation can also be obtained from individuals such as leaders of volunteer associations, employers, religious leaders, coaches, etc.
High School and/or College Transcript - The transcript must be from school but does not have to be official. The school name, applicant's name, and GPA must be printed on the transcript. Show conversion if GPA is documented on a scale other than 4.0. College freshmen must include high school and college transcripts.
Recent audiogram from a hearing health professional (must not be older than two years). Hearing loss on the application must be verifiable from an audiogram.
Notification to Recipients
Scholarship recipients will be notified by June 30th of each year. We only notify recipients; students who do not receive a notification were not awarded a scholarship. We cannot send out lists of recipients to those who do not receive a scholarship.