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2025 Texas ENA Academic Scholarship


Application Procedures & Process Overview:

Individual application questions may have more detailed information required for submission. Please read each application question carefully.

  • Current regular (if an RN) or student member (if pre-licensure) of the Emergency Nurses Association with a Texas chapter assignment.

  • Texas ENA applicants can attend an ACEN or CCNE accredited academic institution outside of Texas

  • Applications must be submitted by clicking "Begin" on this page. An account must be created with Kaleidoscope to submit an application. All accompanying materials must also be submitted via Kaleidoscope as PDF documents. 

  • Applications must include: 

  • Signed and dated application form

  • Statements of professional and educational goals

  • Required information about their college/university

  • Description of professional work/school, organization membership and voluntary community activities

Documentation required:

  • Enrollment letter to undergraduate or graduate nursing program from Dean or Director (if first semester prelicensure or graduate school applicant))

  • Texas RN or compact Nursing license (if applicable)

  • ENA membership document, including expiration date

  • Academic transcript from all completed degrees/diploma including current coursework

  • Copy of tuition page from institution's official catalog or website listing credit hour rate

  • Verification of institution accreditation

  • Letters of reference (2). One reference must be a current ENA member.

Additional documentation may be required, including

  • For Paramedic to ADN or BSN Bridge program applicants, EMT-Paramedic Certification/License verification with expiration date

  • BCEN certification verification(s) with expiration date

  • All questions must be answered. Incomplete applications are not accepted. Applications can be started and revisited until the applicant pushes the Submit button on the final page of the application.

  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a completed application and all supporting materials by the posted deadline. Please submit only completed applications via the TX ENA Kaleidoscope system by April 15th at 5:00 p.m. (central standard time). Applicants will not be able to access the application following the deadline.

  • All completed applications will be submitted for review by a designated Texas ENA review committee.

  • Successful awardees will periodically be asked to provide testimonials and feedback relating to their education and career, suitable for a Texas ENA publication.

Degrees Supported

Undergraduate & Prelicensure Degrees supported*:

·      Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)

·      Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

·      RN to BSN

·      Paramedic to ADN or BSN

Graduate Degrees supported*:

·      Master of Science in Nursing

·      PhD In Nursing related field

·      Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

·      EdD in a Nursing related field

* If you are unsure if your degree can be funded through the Texas ENA scholarship program, please reach out to [email protected] (email) for confirmation.

Texas Emergency Nurses Association (Texas ENA) academic scholarship and grant programs offers funding for its regular or student members accepted to prelicensure, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. Since the scholarship program inception in the 1990’s, Texas ENA has supported many undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students in pursuit of their professional goals related to emergency nursing.

Selection Process

All Applicants must:

  • Applicants must be a current member of ENA in good standing
  • A minimum of a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) 
  • Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited nursing program institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
  • ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the Texas ENA Scholarship & Grants Committee are not eligible to apply. 


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2025 Texas ENA Academic Scholarship

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The mission of the Emergency Nurses Association is to advance excellence in emergency nursing.