2025 Texas ENA DNP Capstone Project or PhD Dissertation Grant
Application Procedures & Process Overview:
Individual application questions may have more detailed information required for submission. Please read each application question carefully.
All Applicants must:
Complete the application form
Provide required information about their college/university
Submit a synopsis of their dissertation proposal or DNP capstone/terminal project. Synopsis must clearly relate to emergency care that includes the scope of emergency nursing. (500 word limit)
Submit a statement of post-doctoral professional goals related to emergency care/emergency nursing. (300 word limit.)
Documentation required:
Submit a limited CV that includes education history, and past five years ONLY of employment history, professional licenses and certifications, ENA activities, professional organization memberships, publications and professional presentations. Include dates and positions. A full professional CV will not be accepted.
Current transcript required.
A letter from Program Director and/or Dean including verification of current non-probationary full time or part time enrollment status.
Approval and date of dissertation proposal, including title OR approval and date of DNP capstone/terminal project proposal, including title.
YOUR doctoral program degree plan with approval from your Dean or supervising professor.
Two (2) professional reference letters. Letters must be from colleagues that have knowledge of: 1) applicant’s work ethic, 2) conceptual and analytic abilities, 3) verbal and written communication skills and 4) overall knowledge of emergency nursing. One letter must be from a current ENA member. Reference letters must be uploaded into application.
Applications must be submitted through the online system by clicking “Begin” https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/scholarships/TXENADoctoral. An account must be created with Kaleidoscope to submit an application. All accompanying materials must also be submitted via Kaleidoscope as PDF documents.
All questions must be answered or completed with Not Applicable (N/A). Incomplete applications are not accepted. Applications can be started and revisited until the applicant pushes the Submit button on the final page of the application.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit a completed application and all supporting materials by the posted deadline. Please submit only completed applications via the TX ENA Kaleidoscope system by February 26, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. (central standard time). Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
Texas Emergency Nurses Association (Texas ENA) academic scholarship and grant programs offers funding for its regular or student members accepted to prelicensure, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. Since the scholarship program inception in the 1990’s, Texas ENA has supported many undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students in pursuit of their professional goals related to emergency nursing.
This grant application is only for doctoral students during their program to financially support research dissertations or DNP project. Doctoral applicants requesting financial support for course tuition or other pre dissertation or pre-project should apply via the Texas ENA Academic Scholarship Application.
Selection Process
- A minimum cumulative of 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) in all courses
- Applicants must be a regular member of ENA in good standing AND member in a Texas chapter(s) for at least 2 (two) calendar years by application deadline.
- Eligible applicants include Texas ENA chapter members currently pursuing a doctoral degree (PhD or DNP, or combination PhD/DNP). Applicant must have completed courses (>6000 level per catalog degree plan) to be eligible for PhD research dissertation or DNP translational evidence-based capstone/terminal project approval. The terminal degree dissertation or project must relate to the scope of emergency care that includes aspects of emergency nursing.
- Applicants must be attending an ACEN or CCNE accredited nursing program institution and must provide verification of the institution's current accreditation
- Applicants can attend academic institutions outside of Texas
- Applicants who have received Texas scholarship support in previous years for other educational levels are eligible to apply in this category.
- ENA members having served in the immediate past three (3) years on the Texas ENA Scholarship Committee are not eligible to apply.
- Awardees will be asked to provide feedback regarding the application process as well as testimonials that may be used to promote the scholarship and grant applications.
Awardees are required to submit dissertation or project outcomes for Texas ENA Newsletter publication upon graduation and inform the scholarship chairperson of submissions of peer reviewed podium presentations and publications. Acknowledgment of financial support from a Texas ENA Scholarship is requested for submissions.
Questions regarding this application should be directed to:
scholarships@txena. org