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2025 TXENA Awards Nomination Form


Individual Awards

  1. Rising Star Award – Nominee must be a new ENA member (fewer than five years from the date of nomination). One narrative statement from the nominee’s State or Chapter President addressing four separate criteria is required. A curriculum vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes an ENA member of fewer than five years who has made a significant contribution to ENA as exhibited by promotion of ENA as the professional organization for emergency nurses at the local, state, national or global level.

  2. Nursing Practice & Professionalism Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing five separate criteria listed. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. A curriculum vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes a nurse who exemplifies outstanding nursing practice as demonstrated through clinical skills, care, and compassion. This nurse is recognized by peers as an expert in emergency nursing and consistently exhibits traits associated with professional behavior and commitment to professional values. This individual may demonstrate outstanding commitment to a specialty population such as pediatrics or older adults within the specialty of emergency nursing.

  3. Nursing Education Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three separate criteria. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. A curriculum vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes an emergency nurse who has made significant contributions to the education of colleagues, nursing students, EMS personnel, patients, families or the community through the publication of articles, formal or informal courses or the development of a specific emergency nursing program or curriculum.

  4. Nurse Leader Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals who are supervised by the nominee addressing five separate criteria. A curriculum vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes a nurse in an emergency nursing leadership role who has consistently demonstrated excellence in the specialty of emergency nursing and has made significant contributions.

  5. Competency in Aging Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing five separate criteria. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. A Curriculum vitae summary is required. This award recognizes a nurse who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the care of the older adult in the emergency care setting or the older adult in a community program.

  6. Mary Leblond Advocacy Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three separate criteria. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. A curriculum vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes a nurse who has had a positive impact on emergency nurses in Texas through a sustained commitment of advocacy for emergency nurses’ well-being or the welfare of vulnerable populations in Texas.

  7. Quality, Safety & Injury Prevention Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three separate criteria. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. Curriculum vitae summary is required. This award recognizes an emergency nurse who has developed, implemented or advocated for quality, safety and/or injury prevention initiatives that have resulted in improved outcomes in the emergency care setting or at the local, state, national or global level.

  8. Pediatric Readiness Improvement Award - Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing five criteria, one of which much be an ENA member. A Curriculum Vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award recognizes an emergency nurse who has demonstrated outstanding efforts to improve readiness in caring for children in the emergency care setting as outlined in the evidence-based AAP/ACEP/ENA joint policy statement, Pediatric Readiness in the Emergency Department (pages 4-10, sections I–VII).

  9. Founders Award – Nominee must be an ENA member, have two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three criteria. One narrative must be written by an ENA member. A Curriculum Vitae summary of the nominee is required. This award, named after one of ENA’s co-founders, honors a member of ENA who has consistently demonstrated excellence in emergency nursing and has made significant contributions to the profession and to ENA.

  10. Lifetime Achievement Award– Nominee must be an ENA member, two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing four separate criteria. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. * a complete Professional Curriculum vitae of the Nominee must be emailed to [email protected] (name and identifying information are removed by the committee chair). This award honors a nurse or nurses whose career achievements reflect dedicated service, accomplishments or contributions to emergency nursing that have value to emergency nursing beyond the recipient’s lifetime.

  11. Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Initiatives of the Year Award – Self-nominations are permitted. Nominated individuals must be a current ENA member. Curriculum vitae summary of the ENA member is required. For a nominated group of individuals, emergency department or hospital, at least one person must be a current ENA member. Two separate narrative statements written by two different individuals addressing criteria are required. At least one of the narrative statements must be written by a current ENA member. The recipient(s) of this Texas ENA award will be required to submit at least one of the following prior to being considered for the National DEI ENA award: an Emergency Nursing conference ePoster, a conference session, an article in the ENA Connection, or an article for publication in the Journal of Emergency Nursing. This award recognizes an individual member (or group of individuals, councils, emergency departments, and/or hospitals) whose efforts to create or lead innovative initiative(s) that align with ENA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Program Charter and demonstrate a measurable impact on the delivery of healthcare.

Team Awards


  1. Team Award – At least one member of the team must be an ENA member, two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three separate criteria are required. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. The ENA member on the Team must provide a curriculum vitae summary. This award recognizes a group or committee that has made a significant contribution toward achieving ENA’s mission to lead the advancement of excellence and innovation in emergency nursing through research, education, resources, advocacy, and collaboration through the development of a sustainable project or program.

  2. Crisis Response Team Award – Self-nominations are allowed. At least one team member must be an ENA member. Two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing four separate criteria are required. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. The ENA member on the Team must provide a curriculum vitae summary. This award recognizes an emergency department health care team who has risen above-and-beyond to achieve ENA’s mission to lead the advancement of excellence and innovation in emergency nursing through research, education, resources, advocacy, and collaboration by responding to the challenges of working during a crisis situation, such as public health crisis or natural or man-made disasters.

ENA Supporter Award (may be non-RN, non-member)

  1. Behind the Scenes Award – Nominee does NOT need to be an ENA member and nominee does NOT need to be a nurse. A curriculum vitae summary is NOT required. This nominee has donated hours of time without expectation of compensation or reward. Two narrative statements from two different individuals addressing three separate criteria are required. At least one narrative must be written by an ENA member. This award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions, behind the scenes, to promote ENA’s mission to lead the advancement of excellence and innovation in emergency nursing through research, education, resources, advocacy, and collaboration; an ENA advocate who is often seen but not heard and who donates countless hours to assist an ENA member or members in achieving local, state, national or global goals.

The Texas ENA awards program offers different ways to acknowledge a colleague or team for their excellence in emergency nursing. Texas ENA is proud to honor the best and brightest of its members with the Annual Texas ENA Achievement Awards. Our practice over many years has been to submit the Texas ENA Award winners as candidates for the National ENA Achievement Awards for the following year. We are honored to see our Texas Award winners also recognized with National Awards.

Please refer to this document before you get started with your application!

Application Requirements

• Membership by an individual (Individual Award)

• At least one (1) member of the team must be an ENA member.

• Curriculum Vitae summary (or resume) of nominee 

The required Curriculum Vitae Summary template can be found here.

If you are nominating someone for the Lifetime Achievement Award, please have your nominee send their complete Curriculum Vitae (CV) to you. Email the complete CV to [email protected] when you submit your award application.

Individual Member Award

  • Rising Star Award: Click here for criteria Document

  • Nursing Practice & Professionalism Award: Click here for criteria

  • Nursing Education Award: Click herefor criteria

  • Nurse Manager Award: Click here for criteria

  • Competency in Aging Award: Click here for criteria

  • Mary Leblond Advocacy Award: Click here for criteria

  • Pediatric Readiness Improvement Award: Click here for criteria

  • Founders Award: Click here for criteria

  • Quality, Safety & Injury Prevention Award: Click here for criteria

  • Lifetime Achievement Award: Click here for criteria

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives of the Year Award: Click here for criteria

Team Award (must have an ENA member on the team)

  • Team Award: Click here for criteria

  • Crisis Response Team Award: Click here for criteria

Nurse Supporter Award (may be a non-RN, non-member)

  • Behind the Scenes: Click here for criteria

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2025 TXENA Awards Nomination Form

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The mission of the Emergency Nurses Association is to advance excellence in emergency nursing.