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Multnomah Athletic Foundation Grant Report 2025


Our grant funding focuses on investing in our community and its youth. We aim to increase access to participation to fuel possibilities for youth. We do this by funding community grants to the amazing and dedicated nonprofit organizations working in our community. Organizations who have received grants from the Multnomah Athletic Foundation must fulfill annual and final reporting obligations before any new grant funds will be distributed.  

Each grant recipient is expected to complete a brief grant report with photos and other supporting materials including financials. The intent with the grant report is to share how your organization uses the grant funding. Be brief and succinct as we do not want you to spend your precious effort and energy on too much paperwork! Tell us what was done with the funding. Share with us the successes and the challenges experienced along the way. The report should describe the organization’s impact on increasing athletic participation and education for youth.  

Please review our grant guidelines and funding beliefs before starting the process. Our current grant guidelines can be found here:

If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 503-517-2350.

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Multnomah Athletic Foundation Grant Report 2025

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The Multnomah Athletic Foundation is grounded in support of youth participation in athletic and educational activities that promote discipline, leadership, and skill development. Founded in 1991, athletic participation is the heart of the foundation.

The Multnomah Athletic Foundation focuses on community outreach to increase access to opportunities. The foundation has provided over $824,000 in community grants supporting youth sports participation and awarded over $2 million in scholarships to student athletes in the Portland metro area.